
Who are we?

We are team Peppers #19044 from Computer- Science High School “Grigore Moisil” Iași. 15 active members, 5 volunteers, 4 mentors and 4 peer mentors and a much larger community of people that inspire us and that we aim to inspire ourselves. Our name was based on the wrong pronunciation of CyLiis as chillies. We were initially called CyLiis Peppers, which most people read as Chilly Peppers.

group photo

Team History

This is our fourth year participating in First Tech Challenge. Our story began seven years ago though, when our sister team, CyLiis #19043 joined the Romanian First Tech Challenge community. Let's go through all of our seasons, so far:

  • 2020: SKYSTONE
    This was our first season, in which we focused more on learning as much as possible about the competition and the community, which was difficult due to the pandemic.
    Still rusty from the pandemic, and with a team with mostly new members, who just began highschool, we learned and explored together, focusing mostly on that instead of trying to do as well as possible in the actual competition. We also started long-term traditions: Peppers++, House of CyLiis and Peppers Christmas Special.
    This was the season when we decided to make a big change for the sake of our branding - changing our name from CyLiis Peppers to Peppers. It helped us get more recognition and define our image and identity, which was difficult for us in the past due to people mixing us up with CyLiis, our sister team.
  • 2023: POWER PLAY
    “It's the journey that matters” has been this season's motto, due to the reflection we did on our past achievements and how we managed to achieve them individually, seeing where we can better ourselves.

© 2023 Peppers. All rights reserved.
